A while back we did a small introductory talk on angular.js with @brutasse. Our talk was aimed at backend developers looking for a solution to build simple interfaces for REST services. The app used exposed a simplistic job board with no persistence and a mere three views.
Our main user-facing app at exoscale is an angular one and we also have a large internal one. Most of our backend work is done in clojure and python, with the occasional guest language. While not discontent with angular, we kept a close eye on the promise of fast updates with react’s approach.
om came at a time when we were looking for alternatives for building interfaces with workloads involving plenty of updates and interacting with server sent events.
While very happy with om so far, most of the introductory material out there focuses on complex apps and features, and when starting out, we fell like simple introductions were missing. Hopefully the following can help bridge that gap, assuming a familiarity with the clojure language.
Om in 3 minutes.
om provides a thin layer of abstraction on top of facebook’s react.js in clojurescript. om relies on atoms to provide application state and schedules renders on atom changes. This article does not dive in clojure specifics. If you’re new to the language past the basic language elements, to get an understanding of what is going on you will need to understand:
- How atoms work and how to operate on them
- How protocols work and how they may be implemented on the fly with reify.
When the global state stored in an atom is changed, the render phase walks through a tree of components which are given all or part of the state as input.
A very simple example would be:
(ns omg.frontend
(:require [om.core :as om :include-macros true]
[om.dom :as dom :include-macros true]))
(def app-state
(atom {:messages ["hello" "hello again" "bye"]}))
(defn message-list
[app owner]
(render [this]
(apply dom/ul {} (for [m (:messages app)] (dom/li {} m))))))
(om/root message-list app-state
{:target (. js/document (getElementById "app"))})
Three things happen in the above:
- The app state is initialized to a list of messages.
- A component is created which displays messages
- The component is bound to the app state and mounted on the DOM.
The render phase uses available functions to create DOM elements, the
use of apply
does not help make the component explicit, we will see
how to improve this later on.
The accompanying HTML can be as simple as:
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<div id="app">
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/0.11.2/react.min.js"></script>
<script src="/js/out/goog/base.js"></script>
<script src="/js/app.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">goog.require("omg.frontend");</script>
Compared to angular, om does not provide any standard way to structure apps. This is in part due to the fact that om is fairly recent, but also to the fact that the clojure community puts a bigger emphasis on libraries than framework, which do not impose as much on their consumers.
Fortunately, there are already plenty of librarie which help dealing with common tasks. This project will use:
- sablono: provides a form based DSL to generate DOM elements
- cljs-ajax: a simple AJAX client
- secretary: a library to help with routes within the frontend application
- om-tools: a library which provides syntactic sugar for om components
A note on building
In the clojure world, projects are built with
leiningen and configured with a project.clj
file. To build the above project you would have a project structure like
├── project.clj
├── resources
│ └── public
│ └── index.html
└── src
└── omg
└── frontend.cljs
4 directories, 3 files
Using the following project.clj
(defproject omg "0.1.0"
:description "demo om application"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]
[org.clojure/clojurescript "0.0-2371" :scope "provided"]
[om "0.7.3"]]
:plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "1.0.3"]]
:cljsbuild {:builds
{:app {:source-paths ["src"]
:compiler {:output-to "resources/public/js/app.js"
:output-dir "resources/public/js/out"
:source-map "resources/public/js/out.js.map"
:optimizations :none
:pretty-print true}}}})
Extending our minimal app
To get a feel of the libraries we will be working with, let’s dwell on
this example for a while and make it use some of the available
libraries. These can be added to the :dependencies
vector in the
[secretary "1.2.1"]
[sablono "0.2.22"]
[cljs-ajax "0.3.3"]
[prismatic/om-tools "0.3.6"]
The first thing we can do is use sablono, which gives a familiar DSL for building DOM elements, similar to hiccup:
(ns omg.frontend
(:require [om.core :as om :include-macros true]
[sablono.core :as html :refer-macros [html]]))
(def app-state
(atom {:messages ["hello" "hello again" "bye"]}))
(defn message-list
[app owner]
(render [this]
(html [:ul (for [m (:messages app)] [:li m])]))))
(om/root message-list app-state
{:target (. js/document (getElementById "app"))})
The next step is to use the syntactic sugar provided by om-tools to create components:
(ns omg.frontend
(:require [om.core :as om]
[om-tools.core :refer-macros [defcomponent]]
[sablono.core :as html :refer-macros [html]]))
(def app-state
(atom {:messages ["hello" "hello again" "bye"]}))
(defcomponent message-list
[app owner]
(render [this] (html [:ul (for [m (:messages app)] [:li m])])))
(om/root message-list app-state
{:target (. js/document (getElementById "app"))})
Our last step in this short introduction will be to build on the fact that components can be nested and build on sub elements of the application state (referred to as cursors):
(ns omg.frontend
(:require [om.core :as om]
[om-tools.core :refer-macros [defcomponent]]
[sablono.core :as html :refer-macros [html]]))
(def app-state
(atom {:messages ["hello" "hello again" "bye"]}))
(defcomponent message
[m owner]
(render [this] (html [:li m])))
(defcomponent message-list
[app owner]
(render [this] (html [:ul (om/build-all message (:messages app))])))
(om/root message-list app-state
{:target (. js/document (getElementById "app"))})
Structure of the app
The basic idea behind this article was to re-build the simple job board we built in angular.js (https://github.com/exoscale/angular-jobs) with om. The following principles were applied:
- Show-case the use of JSON for interaction.
- Assume we’re talking to a simple RESTish API, not publishing app state diffs.
- Try to separate concerns between views, model and router cleanly to recreate a known frontend app structure.
The app is built around 3 simple views:
- A job listing view which can be filtered.
- A job detail view.
- A job post view.
To build this, the following will need to be built
- A router to correctly dispatch based on location.
- A service to listen to model changes.
- Appropriate views to display contents.
As far as routes in the REST api are concerned, the following endpoints are provided:
GET /jobs
: retrieves a map of job id (a UUID) to a map containing atitle
key to provide details on a job.POST /jobs
: expects a JSON body containing a map with thetitle
keys and will yield the augmented full map, as for theGET
call.DELETE /jobs/:id
: will delete the job at keyid
from the map and return the modified map as for theGET
A simple om router
One of the appealing things popular frontend frameworks offer is a simple way to bind routes to controllers and views through a router. This makes diving into an app explicit since the entry point for it contains a collection of routes to look at.
In our equivalent angular.js app, this is what we had:
app.config(function($routeProvider) {
.when('/list', {templateUrl: 'listing.html', controller: 'Jobs'})
.when('/details/:id', {templateUrl: 'details.html', controller: 'Jobs'})
.when('/post', {templateUrl: 'post.html', controller: 'Jobs'})
.otherwise( {redirectTo: '/list'});
Once you get past the syntax, the intent is clear. We are presented with three routes which point to different templates and a single controller.
The story with om is slightly different, since the concepts of controllers is totally separate from views and is only responsible for modifying the global state atom which will trigger re-renders on views.
A router’s duty will thus only be to map a route to the correct component, and provide a way to jump to a different location within the app programmaticaly.
secretary is a library which helps with routing and understands the ubiquitous keyword based routes. secretary provides two functions which we will be using:
: associates a function with a route path.dispatch!
: changes the location.
Since om’s re-renders are only triggered by changes in the state, a simple approach is to make the router be a component which dispatches to the appropriate component based on the parsed route.
We can base our approach on a vector to configure the router’s behavior:
(def routes
["/" views/jobs
"/job/:id" views/job
"/post" views/job-post]
If secretary handles setting a key in the application state designating the current view and params, it becomes simple to build a component which dispatches appropriately:
(defn init
[routes app]
;; walk through provided routes, adding a callback
;; which updates the global state
(doseq [[route view] (partition 2 routes)]
(add-route! route #(swap! app assoc :router {:view view :params %})))
;; Yield a component which dispatches to the appropriate
;; component previously stored by our route callback
(fn [app owner]
(reify om/IRender
(render [this] (om/build (get-in app [:router :view]) app)))))
Our job here is not completely done, we will also need to listen on
history events. Since om builds on top of google closure, we can use the
provided History
object, here is the complete namespace with comments
(ns jobs.router
(:require [goog.events :as events]
[om.core :as om]
[goog.history.EventType :as EventType]
[secretary.core :refer [add-route! dispatch!]]
[sablono.core :refer-macros [html]])
(:import goog.History))
(defonce history (History.))
(defn init [routes app]
(doseq [[route view] (partition 2 routes)]
(add-route! route #(swap! app assoc :router {:view view :params %})))
(goog.events/listen history EventType/NAVIGATE #(-> % .-token dispatch!))
(.setEnabled history true)
(fn [app owner]
(reify om/IRender
(render [this] (om/build (get-in app [:router :view]) app)))))
(defn redirect [location]
(.setToken history location))
The added redirect
function will trigger an event type of NAVIGATE
which will dispatch to the appropriate route and thus update our global
To wire in our router, we can then just build our main namespace by using a router as the main component:
(ns jobs.frontend
(:require [om.core :as om]
[jobs.views :as views]
[jobs.router :as router]))
(defonce app-state (atom {}))
(def routes ["/" views/jobs
"/job/:id" views/job
"/post" views/job-post])
(let [router (router/init routes app-state)
target {:target (. js/document (getElementById "app"))}]
(om/root router app-state target))
With this it’s now trivial to organize the application logically accross several view components.
The model
With dispatching to the appropriate view out of the way, the next concern is building interaction with our API.
om build on top of core.async to provide a flexible API to avoid relying exclusively on callbacks, which we will leverage to build our model service. One of the core components of core.async is it’s channel interface which allows seemingly separate threads of execution to have a simple communication interface.
Our app only needs to be responsible for retrieval, creation and deletion of jobs.
To simplify dealing with queries, we will leverage the cljs-ajax library. Here are two simple examples of the API exposed by cljs-ajax:
(GET "/jobs" {:handler (fn [resp] ... )})
(POST "/jobs" {:params {:title "developer"
:company "supercorpo"
:desc "..."}
:handler (fn [resp] ...)
:format :json})
The simplest approach is to create a channel, looping on incoming messages and taking the appropriate action.
We will define two message types:
: based on an ID will delete frompost
: will expect a map of params and create a job
A map is a great container for these messages and will take either of the following two forms:
;; delete message
{:type :delete :id "307b630c-76d0-4cdb-af3f-79acd135f508"}
;; post message
{:type :post :params {:title "developer" :company "foo" :desc "..."}}
A first version of the service can then be built like this:
(defn jobs [app]
(let [in (chan)]
;; Get an initial state when starting the service.
(GET "/jobs" {:handler #(swap! app assoc :jobs %)})
(go-loop [{:keys [type id params]} (<! in)]
(condp = type
:delete (DELETE (str "/jobs/" id) {:handler #(swap app assoc :jobs %)})
:post (POST "/jobs" {:params params
:handler #(swap app assoc :jobs %)
:format :json}))
(recur (<! in)))
For each incoming message, based on the :type
key within the message,
the appropriate action is taken. We can take things a step further and
prevent consumers of the model to have to deal with core.async by
adding convenience functions within the app state:
(defn sanitize
[in [id {:strs [title company desc]}]]
{:id id
:delete! (fn [& _] (put! in {:type :delete :id id}))
:title title
:company company
:desc desc})
(defn updater
[in app jobs]
(swap! app assoc :jobs (mapv (partial sanitize in) jobs)))
(defn jobs [app]
(let [in (chan)
update! (partial updater in app)]
;; Get an initial state when starting the service.
(GET "/jobs" {:handler update!})
(go-loop [{:keys [type id params]} (<! in)]
(condp = type
:delete (DELETE (str "/jobs/" id) {:handler update!})
:post (POST "/jobs" {:params params
:handler update!
:format :json}))
(recur (<! in)))
(swap! app assoc :create! #(put! in {:type :post :params %}))
This way we get nice idiomatic clojure vector of maps for jobs. Each job
map will contain keyword keys and contain a delete!
function to kill
the element.
Wiring up our model in the main namespace is now as simple as:
(ns jobs.frontend
(:require [om.core :as om]
[jobs.views :as views]
[jobs.model :as model]
[jobs.router :as router]))
(defonce app-state (atom {}))
(def routes ["/" views/jobs
"/job/:id" views/job
"/post" views/job-post])
(model/jobs app-state)
(let [router (router/init routes app-state)
target {:target (. js/document (getElementById "app"))}]
(om/root router app-state target))
View essentials
Let’s look at how to build view components now. The simplest one is the job detail view:
(defcomponent job [app owner]
(render [this]
(let [id (get-in app [:router :params :id])
job (first (filter (comp (partial = id) :id) (:jobs app)))]
[:h2 (:title job) " at " (:company job)]
[:p (:desc job)]))))
Likewise, the job list view can be kept simple:
(defcomponent job-line [{:keys [title company url]} owner]
(render [this]
(html [:li [:a {:href url} title " at " company]])))
(defcomponent jobs [app owner]
(render [this]
(html [:ul (om/build-all job-line (:jobs app))])))
This is unfortunately not too helpful, the first thing that can be added
is a call to the delete
function in job-line
(defcomponent job-line [{:keys [title company url delete!]} owner]
(render [this]
(html [:li
[:a {:href url} title " at " company]
[:button {:on-click delete!} "delete"]])))
Life without two-way bindings
One thing om does not (and cannot, given the re-render approach) is the oft-touted two-way bindings found in angular or ember. This means that to handle input, events will need to be listened on and appropriately propagated.
Let’s first look at a sample filter for the job list, in order to recreate the list filter mechanism found in angular.
It would be a shame to store state that is component-local in the global
application state, fortunately, om provides a concept of local component
state, the render method use must be changed to render-state
and an
optional init-state
method may be provided.
We can then change our job list component to read:
(defn build-predicate [owner event]
(let [v (or (-> event .-target .-value) "")]
(om/set-state! owner [:keep?]
(comp (partial re-find (re-pattern v))
(defcomponent jobs
[app owner]
(init-state [this]
{:keep? identity})
(render-state [this state]
[:input {:on-change (partial build-predicate owner)}]
(om/build-all job-line (filter (:keep? state) (:jobs app)))]])))
In the above, we keep a local predicate function in the component’s
state which is initialized to identity
to match all jobs.
When changes occur on the text input box, a predicate is built which will be applied on the list for future renders.
The same approach can be taken to implement the form for posting new job entries:
(defn ev->state
"Helper function to set local component state"
[owner k event]
(om/set-state! owner [k] (-> event .-target .-value)))
(defcomponent job-post
[app owner]
[this {:keys [title company desc] :as state}]
(let [submit! (fn [& _]
((:create! @app) state)
(redirect "/"))]
[:label "title"]
[:input {:value title :on-change (partial ev->state owner :title)}]
[:label "company"]
[:input {:value company :on-change (partial ev->state owner :company)}]
[:label "description"]
[:textarea {:value desc :on-change (partial ev->state owner :desc)}]
[:input {:type "submit" :on-click submit!}]]))))
Wrapping up
With this, we conclude our whirlwind tour of om, paving the way for structured apps. The complete application is available at https://github.com/pyr/om-jobs, with the only notable difference being views relying on twitter bootstrap.
While building on om definitely requires a bigger ramp-up than angular, we have been very happy with this simple approach for routing and model services. Once these basic building blocks are out of the way, we’ve found om to be rather more straightforward and composable than angular.
Our biggest public om application is now the frontend for warp, with more coming!