Another quick blog post today to show-case usage of riemann for in-app reporting. This small blurb will push out a metric for each wrap route with the metric name you provide.
When handlers raise exceptions, a metric is sent out as well with the exception’s message as description.
import socket
import time
import bernhard
# [...]
def wrap_riemann(metric,
def riemann_decorator(f):
def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs):
host = socket.gethostname()
started = time.time()
response = f(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
client.send({'host': host,
'service': metric + "-exceptions",
'description': str(e),
'tags': tags + ['exception'],
'state': 'critical',
'metric': 1})
duration = (time.time() - started) * 1000
clientsend({'host': host,
'service': metric + "-time",
'tags': tags + ['duration'],
'metric': duration})
return response
return decorated_function
return riemann_decorator
Provided you have a flask app for instance you could then have use the wrapper in the following way:
app = Flask(__name__)
riemann = bernhard.Client()
@wrap_riemann('list-users', client=riemann)
def list_users():
# [...]
@app.route('/users/<id>', methods=['DELETE'])
@wrap_riemann('delete-user', client=riemann)
def delete_users():
# [...]
In riemann we can easily massage these events to give us points worth looking at:
- A per route and overall mean request time
- A per route and overall per second exception gauge
;; start-up servers
(tcp-server :host "")
(udp-server :host "")
(def graph (graphite {:host ""}))
(def index (default {:state "ok" :ttl 60} (update-index (index))))
(periodically-expire 5 index)
;; we're interested in events coming from the python web app
(tagged "python"
;; aggregate duration event for each interval of one second
;; then compute the mean before sending of to indexer and grapher
(tagged "duration"
;; We split by service to get one metric per route
(by [:service]
(fixed-time-window 1
(combine folds/mean index graph)))
;; unsplitted, we'll get an overall metric
(with {:service "overall-mean-duration"}
(fixed-time-window 1
(combine folds/mean index graph))))
;; sum exceptions per second
(tagged "exception"
(by [:service]
(rate 1 index graph))
(with {:service "overall-exceptions"}
(rate 1 index graph)))))
Obviously this wrapper would work just as well for any python function. As a ways
I extended a bit on this idea and released a cleaned up version here: