Playing with Clojure core interfaces

One of Alan Perlis' famous quote is

It is better to have 100 functions operate on one data structure than 10 functions on 10 data structures.

In a recent talk about reducers (available here), Rich Hickey playfully asserted that it might be even better to have 100 functions operate on anything. This article aims to show the effective way clojure offers to emulate common datastructures to use standard functions on pretend datastructures.

Let’s see how we can leverage the clojure transient interface to provide access to simple key/value stores. For the purpose of this article we’ll use everyone’s favorite outsourced heap: redis hand in hand with the carmine library.

This is what accessing redis looks like from carmine:

(require '[taoensso.carmine :as r :refer [wcar get set del]])

(def server-spec {}) ;; will connect to localhost

(wcar server-spec
  (r/set "a" "b")
  (r/get "a") ;; => "b"
  (r/del "a"))

Ideally, we’d like to be able to treat redis like a standard transient map:

(def redis (instance->transient server-spec))

;; assuming we're starting from an empty redis instance
(pr-str redis)
;; => "{}"
(assoc! redis :a :a)
(:a redis)
;; => :a
(pr-str redis)
;; => "{:a :a}"
(assoc! redis :b {:a 0 :b 1})
;; => {:a :a, :b {:b 1, :a 0}}
(assoc! (:b redis) :c 2)
;; {:b 1, :a 0, :c 2}
(-> redis :b (dissoc! :c :b))
;; {:a 0}
(count redis)
;; => 2
(seq redis)
;; => ([:a :a] [:b {:a 0}])
(dissoc! redis :b)
(dissoc! redis :a)
;; => {}
(assoc! redis :c #{:foo :bar})
;; {:c #{:foo :bar}}

This article will walk you through how to achieve that, on top of the carmine library presented above.

Please note that while this makes for an interesting exercise with protocols, it is not recommended to use it extensively, some of the chosen strategies to make this example easier are suboptimal at best.

Basic building blocks

To achieve homomorphism, clojure relies on interfaces, they provide a uniform way to access resources implementing them.

Looking at clojure’s source code, a mere two interfaces provide the necessary functionality for setting, retrieving and removing keys: clojure.lang.ILookup and clojure.lang.ITransientMap:

/* src/jvm/clojure/lang/ */
public interface ILookup{
  Object valAt(Object key);
  Object valAt(Object key, Object notFound);

/* src/jvm/clojure/lang/ */
public interface ITransientMap extends ITransientAssociative, Counted{

  ITransientMap assoc(Object key, Object val);
  ITransientMap without(Object key);
  IPersistentMap persistent();

In the above protocols:

The simplest way to implement java interfaces or clojure protocols is to make use of reify which generates anonymous classes implementing a list of provide protocol or interface.

With this, we can go on and write a fake transient:

(ns transient.redis
  (:require [taoensso.carmine :as r :refer [wcarl]]))

(defn instance->transient
    (valAt [this k]
      (wcar spec (r/get k)))
    (valAt [this k default]
      (or (.valAt this k) default))
    (assoc [this k v]
      (wcar spec (r/set k v))
      this) ;; transients always return themselves on mutation.
    (without [this k]
      (wcar spec (r/del k))

This gives a nice and clean interface to redis for keys:

(def kv (instance->transient {})) ;; connect to localhost

(assoc! kv "a" "b")
(get kv "a")
(dissoc! kv "a")

Taking advantage of homoiconicity

One of the nice properties of clojure is its homoiconic nature, meaning that all standard data can be printed and read back in by the reader without loss of information. Clojure even now provides a way to add new types to the reader through [tagged literals]( Reader–Tagged Literals).

A first improvement we can make to our implementation is to use pr-str and read-string as a cheap serializer/deserializer.

(ns transient.redis
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [read-string])
  (:require [taoensso.carmine :as r :refer [wcarl]]
            [clojure.edn :refer [read-string]]))

(defn instance->transient
    (valAt [this k]
      (when-let [res (wcar spec (r/get (pr-str k)))]
         (read-string res)))
    (valAt [this k default]
      (or (.valAt this k) default))
    (assoc [this k v]
      (wcar spec (r/set (pr-str k) (pr-str v)))
    (without [this k]
      (wcar spec (r/del (pr-str k)))

You’ll note that in the above, we’re using clojure.edn/read-string instead of clojure.core/read-string. This is because clojure.core/read-string is not safe for arbitrary inputs since it might end up calling eval on input.

More protocols

We’ve now reached a good first step for our key value interface. We could go a bit further though, since redis supports data-types which resemble clojure’s. If we look at redis sets, lists and hashes, they map to clojure sets, vectors and maps without to much contorsion.

Fortunately, clojure provides transient versions of sets, vectors and maps. To coerce our redis connection instance we will need to implement a variety of interfaces described below.


This protocol should be implemented by all types and provides a way to yield the length of a collection.

public interface Counted {
    int count();


This protocol is implemented by any datastructure which can be coerced to a seq:

public interface ISeq {
  ISeq seq();

When calling seq on a map, it is expected to receive a list of IMapEntry structures as defined in the following interface:

public interface IMapEntry extends Map.Entry{
  Object key();
  Object val();

Map entries also happen to implement Counted, Indexed (see below) and Seqable. This is the protocol that allows you to write:

(map key {:a 0 :b 1})


This protocol allows lookup in collections with nth:

public interface Indexed extends Counted{
  Object nth(int i);
  Object nth(int i, Object notFound);


Much like ITransientAssociative, ITransientVector gives a way to mutate on vector like structures:

public interface ITransientVector extends ITransientAssociative, Indexed{
  ITransientVector assocN(int i, Object val);
  ITransientVector pop();


ITransientSet completes the list of transient collections

public interface ITransientSet extends ITransientCollection, Counted{
  public ITransientSet disjoin(Object key) ;
	public boolean contains(Object key);
	public Object get(Object key);

Redis Operations

Let’s now look at how the redis world can be mapped to the clojure world.

Redis Instance

The global redis instance can be seen as a map, just like in our first example. If we want it to implement Seqable and Counted, there is no other choice but to issue the redis command KEYS * and count the results for Counted or map them to clojure values for Seqable.

We have already seen how to implement ILookup and ITransientMap above, but we’ll add a twist, when creating values, instead of always using the SET command, we can look at the type of value we’re fed with set?, map? and sequential? to create matching types in redis (set, hash or list) while still defaulting to string keys.

Likewise, when retrieving keys, we can use the redis TYPE command to lookup the key type and yield a transient vector, map or set when we encounter the matching redis types.

without does not need to change, since it works on any key type.

This gives us and updated instance->transient:

(valAt [this k]
  (let [k    (pr-str k)
		type (wcar spec (r/type k))]
	(condp = type
	  "string" (read-string (wcar spec (r/get k)))
	  "hash"   (hash->transient spec k)
	  "list"   (list->transient spec k)
	  "set"    (set->transient spec k)
	  "none"   nil
	  (throw (ex-info "unsupported redis type" {:type type})))))
(assoc [this k v]
  (let [k (pr-str k)]
	 (set? v)        (doseq [member v]    ;; Call SADD on all members
					   (wcar spec (r/sadd k (pr-str member))))
	 (map? v)        (doseq [[subk v] v]  ;; Call HSET on all entries
					   (wcar spec (r/hset k (pr-str subk) (pr-str v))))
	 (sequential? v) (doseq [e v]         ;; Call LPUSH on all entries
					   (wcar spec (r/lpush k (pr-str e))))
	  ;; Default to a plain SET
	 :else           (wcar spec (r/set k (pr-str v)))))

As explained above we can now also implement Counted and Seqable:

(count [this]
  (count (wcar spec (r/keys "*"))))
(seq [this]
  (let [keys (wcar spec (r/keys "*"))]
	(for [k keys]
	  (->mapentry (read-string k) (.valAt this (read-string k))))))

Beware that calling KEYS * is very suboptimal and should not be done in real life scenarios.

We’re also missing the ->mapentry function above, which can be simply be:

(defn ->mapentry
  [k v]
	(nth [this i]         (nth [k v] i))     ;; carry over
	(nth [this i def]     (nth [k v] i def)) ;; carry over to nth
	(seq [this]           (list k v))        ;; we know all elems
	(count [this]         2)                 ;; always two elems
	(getKey [this]        k)                 ;; IMapEntry extends Map.Entry
	(getValue [this]      v)                 ;;
	(key [this]           k)                 
	(val [this]           v)))

Redis Hashes

Redis hashes will implement the same interfaces than redis instances: ILookup, ITransientMap, Counted and Seqable. The logic will closely resemble our initial version. Lookups will be done using HGET, removals with HDEL. To count elements or coerce a hash to a seq, we can count on the HGETALL command which yields a list containing keys and values. Since the output list is flattened we can use (partition 2) to obtain the desired structure:

(defn hash->transient
  [spec k]
	(valAt [this subk]
	  (when-let [res (wcar spec (r/hget k (pr-str subk)))]
		(read-string res)))
	(valAt [this subk default]
	  (or (.valAt this subk) default))
	(assoc [this subk v]
	  (wcar spec (r/hset k (pr-str subk) (pr-str v)))
	(without [this subk]
	  (wcar spec (r/hdel k (pr-str subk)))
	(count [this]
	  (count (partition 2 (wcar spec (r/hgetall k)))))
	(seq [this]
	  (for [[k v] (partition 2 (wcar spec (r/hgetall k)))]
		(->mapentry (read-string k)
					(read-string v))))))

Redis Sets

Redis sets are very similar to hashes. Additions to the set are done with SADD, deletions with SREM, we have an efficient way of counting the set with SCARD. SISMEMBER will tell us if we have a matching member in our set (it returns either 0 or 1, so we need to coerce it to a boolean with pos?). Last, SMEMBERS will help in implementing seq:

(defn set->transient
  [spec k]
	(count [this]
	  (wcar spec (r/scard k)))
	(seq [this]
	  (map read-string (wcar spec (r/smembers k))))
	(conj [this v]
	  (wcar spec (r/sadd k (pr-str v)))
	(disjoin [this v]
	  (wcar spec (r/srem k (pr-str v)))
	(contains [this v]
	  (let [member (wcar spec (r/sismember k (pr-str v)))]
		(pos? member)))
	(get [this v]
	  (when (.contains this v)

Redis Lists

To finish off with our tour of structures, vectors and lists will be mapped to redis lists. A list’s length is reported by LLEN, we can retrieve all members with LRANGE 0 -1 while LSET, LPOP and LPUSH will implement mutation operations:

(defn list->transient
  [spec k]
	(count [this]
	  (wcar spec (r/llen k)))
	(seq [this]
	  (map read-string (wcar spec (r/lrange k 0 -1))))
	(conj [this v]
	  (wcar spec (r/lpush k (pr-str v)))
	(assocN [this index v]
	  (wcar spec (r/lset k index v))
	(pop [this]
	  (wcar spec (r/lpop k))

Behaving like functions

A property of both sets and maps is to behave like functions which test for membership (on sets) and lookup keys (on maps).

This is done by yet another interface: IFn:

public interface IFn extends Callable, Runnable{
  public Object invoke() ;
  public Object invoke(Object arg1) ;
  public Object invoke(Object arg1, Object arg2) ;
  /* ... */

We can add the signature to our set and map implementations:

;; hash->transient
    (invoke [this subk]
      (.valAt this subk))

;; set->transient
    (invoke [this member]
      (when (.contains this member)

Our transients now fully behave like clojure datastructures!

The cherry on top: pretty printing

Our transient facade is getting there, but we’re still faced with a problem: in doesn’t look good in the repl. Without going any further a redis instance looks like this: #<transient$instance$reify__8580 redis.transient$instance$reify__8580@3850ea4b>. Likewise, when dealing with sets, lists or maps.

By digging around, we find that printing is done with clojure.core/pr which ultimately calls clojure.core/pr-on, defined at

We can rely on print-method’s ability to look either at the class of an object or at its metadata to dispatch to the appropriate pretty printer:

(defmulti print-method (fn [x writer]
                         (let [t (get (meta x) :type)]
                           (if (keyword? t) t (class x)))))

We can now write a dispatch method which expects our transient’s metadata to contain the keys :type, used by print-method’s dispatch function, prefix and suffix specify how to enclose the contents of collections.

(defmethod print-method :redis
  [obj ^ writer]

  ;; extract additional metadata
  (let [{:keys [prefix suffix sep tuple?]} (meta obj)]
    (.write writer prefix)

    ;; ensure we have elements to show
    (when (pos? (count obj))
      (loop [[item & items] (seq obj)]
        ;; handle map tuples differently
        (if tuple?
            (print-method (key item) writer)
            (.write writer " ")
            (print-method (val item) writer))
          (print-method item writer))

        ;; show separator when there are more elems
        (when (seq items)
          (.write writer (str sep  " "))
          (recur items))))

    (.write writer suffix)))

With this in place we can add metadata to our closures:

(defn ->mapentry
  [k v]
  ^{:type :redis :prefix "[" :suffix "]"}

(defn hash->transient
  [k v]
  ^{:type :redis :prefix "{" :suffix "}" :sep "," :tuple? true}

(defn set->transient
  [k v]
  ^{:type :redis :prefix "#{" :suffix "}"}

(defn list->transient
  [k v]
  ^{:type :redis :prefix "[" :suffix "]"}

(defn instance->transient
  [k v]
  ^{:type :redis :prefix "{" :suffix "}" :sep "," :tuple? true}

Wrapping up

All the bits are now in place, and the example code shown above works as expected. I’ve posted the output here.

I didn’t publish a library on purpose since I don’t think you should use this for any serious work, but it does make for an interesting playground.

While testing this implementation I found out that contains? cannot be called on transient sets because of a limitation in the runtime, I created a JIRA issue to discuss this here: